Police arrested a 27-year-old drunken man for burning down a church because his mother didn’t give him money

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Auki police station have arrested a 27-year-old male suspect for burning down their family church building at Kakara village in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province on 26 October 2024.

The suspect was believed to be drunk when he set the church on fire. The suspect was unhappy that his mother didn’t give him money before going to the church.

The suspect allegedly used petrol and a match to burn the church.

After burning the church, the suspect went back to their house and caused damages and also threatened his family and relatives.

Auki police responded to the incident and arrested the suspect and placed him in police custody and later charged him with the offence of arson contrary to section 319 of the penal code.

Malaita Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Chief Superintendent Tex Tafoa, acknowledged members of Kakara community for their support in reporting the matter which led to the subsequent arrest.

Tafoa said kwaso (homebrew) is one of the key drivers of crime in their communities.

He urged leaders to continue and work with the police by giving information to help the police track down those people who are producing and cooking kwaso and who are illegal selling them.

Tafoa reminded community chiefs and leaders to continue and support the police as a lot of such issue will come up as we head toward the end of year festive season.
