Officers from the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Kirakira police station in Makira-Ulawa Province, along with the community governance team from the Makira-Ulawa provincial government visited four communities in Ward 5 and a community in Ward 9 of Central Bauro recently.
This visit is part of the integration of the police Crime Prevention Strategy (CPS) and the Community Governance Ordinance (CGO) of 2006 from the Makira-Ulawa Provincial Government.
The purpose of the joint visit is to inform communities about the amendments and progress of the CGO initiative and explain how the CPS of the RSIPF is integrated with the CGO.
Additionally, this joint visit provides the Community Policing Team with an opportunity to gather proposals for community festive season’s operational perspectives. This initiative is part of the CPS, to help the police in their operational planning as the festive season approaches.
Team Leader (TL) Police Sergeant (Sgt) Audrey Suhata, said on the crime prevention initiative, police need advance information in order to help do its planning as we prepare for our festive seasons.
TL Suhata said police need to be aware of the proposed festive activities from all the communities in and around the province, in order to fully understand what are the possible threats, whilst preparing for festive operational planning.
Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Makira-Ulawa Province Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “Communities must prepare ahead for the coming festive seasons to ensure a crime free festive season where everyone can enjoy the upcoming festivity. Police will continue to work together with you in the upcoming event.