People with special needs attending church services at Dunde United Church in Munda, Western Province, will now enjoy a new ablution block, thanks to the Church Agency Network Disaster Operation (CANDO).

The new facility includes a footpath connecting the church hall to the ablution block, designed as part of an evacuation centre to be used during disasters.

The ablution block has washrooms and flush toilets for both males and females, specifically accommodating people with special needs, while also being accessible to able people.

Director of ADRA SI,Leyn Elizer Gantare cutting the ribbon to officially opened and handover the ablution to Dude Community. Besides Director Leyn are officials attending the handover ceremony.

The project was fully funded by the French Government through the Community Disability Centre (CDC), coordinated by the Anglican Church (CANDO), with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Solomon Islands as the implementing agency.

The official handover ceremony took place on Thursday, October 3rd, at Dunde United Church compound in Munda, Western Province.

Attended the handover ceremony were ADRA Solomon Islands Director, Leyn Elizer Gantara, United Church Mission Support Program Officer at Kokeqolo, Myrielyn Komolo, ADRA Emergency National Coordinator, Raynick Jack, the Minister of Kindu Dunde United Church, the Chairman of Dunde Congregation, and members of the church and local community.
