Malaita’s East Road Upgrades Near Completion

Routine maintenance, regravelling, and spot upgrading to make 21 km of the East Road in Malaita more climate resilient is approaching completion under the World Bank-funded Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project. The works are implemented by Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) and are carried out by the local contractor Trades Transformation Company Limited, with construction supervision provided by SMEC.

The works began in October 2023 to address the deteriorating condition of East Road from Dala, which serves as a vital link for communities in East Malaita. The works have involved routine maintenance and regravelling, along with culvert/drainage and concrete reinforcement in steep sections to improve durability and resilience against heavy rains.

The works completed include the installation of 1,100 m of concrete pavement with drains, drainage and waterway maintenance, grading and re-gravelling, patching and filling of carriageways, and the reinstatement of slopes. The remaining works include the installation of roadside furniture, reinforcing concrete drains and other upgrades. The works are expected to be completed by the end of November 2024.
Allan Lilia, Permanent Secretary of MID, stated: “We are thrilled to see the works near completion. This is a major achievement for Malaita Province and demonstrates our commitment to improving infrastructure across the country. We will continue to work closely with all stakeholders to ensure this road benefits the people of Malaita for many years to come.”

In addition to the East Road improvements, the Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project is funding several other key infrastructure projects, including improving Noro Roads, constructing four new bridges in Malaita (Kolofe1, Kolofe2, Su’u Harbor, and Bira Bridges), upgrades to Honiara, Munda, and Santa Cruz (Lata) Airports, new air navigation systems for Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Provinces and maintenance of regional airports
