The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), through its National Rehabilitation and Disability Division, marked International Day for Persons with Disability with the culmination of a disability inclusion campaign in the public sector, which commenced in August this year.
The commemorative event for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) was held at the National Referral Hospital Conference Room and included an awareness session on the Solomon Islands National Disability Inclusive Development Policy 2023–2031 (SINDID) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in collaboration with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). These include local Non-Government Organizations, International Non-Government Organizations and United Nations Agencies.
Participating CSOs included Live and Learn Solomon Islands (LLSI), Special Development Center – Red Cross Society, Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA), Action on Poverty (AOP), Christian Care Center (CCC), Save the Children Solomon Islands (SCSI), Oxfam in the Pacific, Coalition of Education Solomon Islands (COESI), Disabled People’s Association Solomon Islands (DPASI), Solomon Islands Deaf Association (SIDA), Child Fund New Zealand, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). A total of 19 participants attended the session.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Naomi Tai, representing DPASI, highlighted the 2024 IDPD theme: “Amplifying the Leadership of Persons with Disabilities for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future.” She emphasized that persons with disabilities are not only advocates but also leaders and innovators who contribute as decision-makers in various contexts. Ms. Tai also shared DPASI’s involvement in the 16 Days of Activism campaign, including hosting IDPD activities in Tulagi, Central Islands Province. These activities were livestreamed by the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) under the leadership of Ms. Diana Maho’oro and CEO Mr. Casper Fasala.
Participants expressed gratitude for the awareness session, which enhanced their understanding of the SINDID Policy and the CRPD. They acknowledged their roles in supporting the government in implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on these frameworks. Many shared that the session offered a transformative perspective on disability, emphasizing inclusion beyond impairments.
Mr. Elwin Taloimatakwa, Disability Program Coordinator of the MHMS National Rehabilitation and Disability Division, extended his appreciation to all participating organizations and individuals with disabilities for their involvement in the IDPD celebrations. He also thanked the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office for their support of the program.
The MHMS National Rehabilitation and Disability Division plans to conduct the disability-inclusive awareness campaign to remaining government ministries by next week, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology, Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Resources, Ministry of Communication and Aviation, and National Parliament. The Division also aims to engage with the private sector and faith-based organizations in rolling out this disability inclusion awareness.