Solomon Islanders Suffer as National Referral Hospital Falls Deeper into Crisis While Government Officials Receive Better Care Abroad

The National Referral Hospital (NRH) in the Solomon Islands continues to go downhill, with patients facing worsening conditions as essential drugs become scarce and bedding runs out. For a nation that recently hosted the Pacific Games 2023 and saw government officials jet off abroad with unnecessary numbers of delegates and expensive meetings, the hospital’s state is a clear contrast.

NRH Emergency Ward Photo: Solstar

For years, the NRH has struggled with poor supplies and insufficient resources, a situation now increased by an escalating drug shortage.

NRH Photo: Solstar

This leaves patients in a desperate situation, without proper care or comfort. As beds go unmade and the facility descends into chaos, many wonder how such conditions can persist, especially when government representatives have access to high-end health services abroad, funded by taxpayer money.

NRH Photo: Solstar

Solomon Islands medical officers have spoken out about the dire conditions at the hospital, but many are too fearful of losing their jobs to publicly address the issue.

Despite the government’s attention elsewhere, including reckless overseas travel, the ongoing neglect of the hospital paints a disturbing picture of priorities, leaving many Solomon Islanders to suffer in silence.


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