Local stakeholders of education in the country are calling for all school leaders throughout the Solomon Islands to adhere to the Education Act 2023, funding code regulations. In light of ongoing concerns regarding the misuse of school grants, it is important that immediate action is taken to safeguard the proper use of funds allocated for education.

One of the key issues highlighted is the misuse of school grants. Year after year, the country’s academic results reflect alarmingly high failure rates, which raises questions about whether funds are being used for their intended purposes. School leaders are urged to ensure that grants are directed towards improving educational outcomes, rather than misappropriated for other purposes.

Another alarming practice that needs to end is the signing of blank cheques for school grants. This practice, common in many schools, allows individuals to fill in any amount they wish after the cheque is signed, providing an opportunity for corruption and the diversion of funds. It is vital that those responsible for signing cheques put an end to this risky behavior to prevent misuse.
In addition, there is a call for the government to hire independent private auditors to oversee the financial management of grant funds in schools across the Solomon Islands. These audits would help ensure transparency, accountability, and the proper allocation of resources to enhance the quality of education.

The Education Act 2023 (Education Regulation 2024 gazette 22nd of March 2024) offers an opportunity for reform. By adhering to these guidelines, school leaders can contribute to the long-term improvement of education in the Solomon Islands and ensure that grants truly benefit students and their future success.
Thoughts? Iumi stori